What to wear

at a let’s dance retreat

“Ballet is important and significant – yes. But first of all, it is a pleasure.”

- George Balanchine

We often get asked what is appropriate to wear to one of our ballet retreats. There is no set uniform or requirements. We only ask that you are comfortable and can easily move in your outfit.

We recommend a leotard and tights or leggings as a base layer (so that our wonderful teachers can correct any movements and see you dance), plus any skirts, cover-ups or warm-ups you like.

We understand that the world of ballet wear can be a daunting place and it can be difficult to know where to start when searching for the perfect outfit.

Just Ballet have a page on their website dedicated to adult dancers, where you can find comfortable dance wear to put your mind at ease. You can also purchase our branded wrap cardigan from their adult ballet page.